Well, it hasn’t really been very exciting these past few weeks, at least fantasy wise. For example, EP4 served up only three drinking points and one insult, with the high scorer being Tyrion Lannister with two points. Last week’s episode, EP6, gave us only +10 for Tyrion’s many insults and then second place was a mere two points from Tywin’s mouth. Bleh.
Thank goodness there was a big battle in EP5, which gave us +50 for Jon Snow, an intriguing +5 each to Bran Stark and Hodor (interesting split there, and likely appropriate), and a smattering of other points, including Petry Baelish’s off-screen sexing. It seems the rhythm of the show is to give us one big fight scene every other episode...but we're running out of episodes!
Overall, the negative points have almost been more interesting as Arya, Hodor, and Theon have all accumulated -7 for being injured, while Cersei has racked up -4 total from insults taken. Could someone actually end the season with negative points?
Scoring tidbit: So far, twenty-one characters haven’t scored yet, three have negative point totals, nine have put up less than ten points, and only eleven characters have totals in the double digits. Ex-king Joffrey is still ranked #6 on the individual leaderboards, despite being dead for over half the episodes.
So what of our standings? Well, Direwolf Pups! is still the runaway leader with 139 points, but at least Valar Morghulis has jumped up to within spitting distance of the lead, trailing by a mere 57 points. That’s just one good fight away from being the top dog!
As for everyone else, aside from God of T!t$ and Wine with a respectable 60+ points, it could be said their seasons are practically almost over, sine they all have under thirty points. Heck, two teams (Imping Ain’t Easy and Dark Nights) have actually lost points over the past three weeks, with Trieu’s Dark Knights dropping from thirteen points after EP3 to a mere seven points now. Ouch.