Friday, July 1, 2016

S6: Death Pool Winner

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. But since we are all GoT diehards, there should really be no spoilers ahead...

Well well, after another round of drafting that took us to six characters each, the race was on for the top of the charts. As it turned out, that last round was crucial to our league as Lothar Frey, Walder Rivers, Lem Lemoncloak, Wun Wun, and Lady Crane all died during the season.

At the end of the day, our winner emerged, with four out of their six characters dead!

First Place: Frank (14 pts)
In an impressive feat, Frank, picking in the #12 draft position, correctly got three of his first picks right. Farewell Ramsay Bolton, Walder Frey, and Margery Tyrell! And then with a prescient pick of Lothar Frey in our post-EP7 round, Frank squeaked out a victory. And there could be a case made that Edmure Tully is doing pretty badly too, stuck in a dungeon somewhere. But that’s just speculation. Long live Dickon Tarly, the only Frank pick that seemed to end the season on a high note! Congrats to our real live doctor, who is apparently more death dealing than we realized!

Second Place: Samit (13)
Our co-commissioner and lead scorer, plus the Designer of Spreadsheets, Samit argued hard for the fate of Maester Wolkan. Alas, even with Winterfell felled, there was no evidence that Maester Wolkan was harmed, much less dead. Still, that gave Samit plenty of deaths on the season, as Smalljon Umber, Harald Karstark (presumed dead after a face biting), and Walder Rivers all took the big sleep. And with Septa Unella getting wine-boarded and tied down to face the monstrosity that is the undead Mountain, she got a well deserved “something terrible” point. Actually, Septa Unella was the only person who got this point, so maybe we don’t even need this rule for our next death pool.

Third Place: Four people tied (12)
Sanjay and Victor leapt out to an early lead but couldn’t muster up enough deaths to get into the winner's circle. Jon G and Archana also racked up three deaths each (two each in EP10), but alas, it would take more to be in true contention. Nice showing for these four though!


Last Place: Ankur and Kavi (6)
Seeing as I watched EP9 with these guys, I know they are GoT super fans. So why weren’t they able to pick ANYONE that died during the season? Seriously guys, are you paying attention the show or what? A sad showing from these two, sad sad sad….

Final Tally
Overall we drafted seventy-eight characters and of those, twenty-five died! That’s about a 32% death rate. Not bad! Of course, a ton of those came in the wildfire explosion but there were still plenty of deaths all around. I hope you enjoyed playing in GoT death pool and who knows what we’ll do for next season!